SO. i'm at the grocery store. alone. because boy doesn't want to go and get suckered into paying. which is good because i generally buy less items and we save a fortune. i should have known that everyone and their mother goes to the grocery shopping on sundays. or rather mother and everyone she knows. the aisles are filled with mom and dad and multiple kids. crying babies. what is this, walmart? and of course, kids have to push the cart. and of course, they steer it right down the middle of the aisle. you should have a separate license for steering a shopping cart. seriously.
ANYWAY, i finish up in twice the amount of time it should have taken me since everyone wanted to get in my way. i pick a checkout with hardly any people in it and wait for the belt to move so i can put my items on it. its moving slower than any checkout ever should. i decide to cut the bagger a break and place my items on the belt as neatly as possible. cans first, by size, boxed items, stacked into very small pyramids, milk, water, sandwich items, veggies, bread, soda. i eye the candy. impulse buys. resist!
the belt comes to a halt. what. happened.
"credit or debit?" the cashier asks the guy in front of me.
"credit," he replies.
"can i see your ID?" she asks.
"oh. i must have left it in my car. i'll be right back.
WHAT THE HECK. first of all, you brought your wallet in with your credit card in that, where do you keep your ID? secondly, you'll be right back? where did you park, in the fire lane?
what choice do i have but to wait? the guy comes running back in a whole ETERNITY later with his ID. he apologizes to the cashier for making her wait. EXCUSE ME, the cashier gets paid by the hour, you're wasting MY time, not hers. if i had purchased ice cream it would have been drippy by then.
its my turn to check out and the bagger has left so i am to bag and cart my own groceries. and there is not "return cart here" slot in the parking lot. i push my cart back to the front of the store and pass by two teenage girl cart attendants. no, thank YOU. and thank you Albertson's - you are no longer my store.
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